An Account of the Principal Aboriginal Races; A Description of their National Customs, Mythology, and Religious Ceremonies; The History of their most Powerful Tribes, and of their Most Celebrated Chiefs and Warriors; Their Intercourse and Wars with the European Settlers; and A Great Variety of Anecdote and Description, Illustrative of Personal and National Character. Including The Late Sioux War and Indian Massacres in Minnesota.
- The Aborigines Of Mexico
- The Florida Indians
- The Indians Of Virginia
- New England Indians
- The Iroquois or Six Nations
- Pontiac's War
- The Delawares, Shawanees, and Other Tribes of the Middle and Western States
- Indians of The Southern States
- Northern Races
- The Knisteneaux, Chippewa, &c
- The Sioux, or Dahcota, and other Tribes of the same Race
- Indians of the Great Western Prairies
- Tribes on the Columbia and its Tributaries
- The Shoshonees, or Snake Indians